Saturday, December 23, 2006
christmas revelation
should been feeling ecstatic and all... and yes i do feel that. but still there is a tinge of disappointment as many of my friends did not get the course that they want. and well, frankly, it is sort of depressing. it's like if i get in, i hope my friends get the course they want to. after all, who would wish their friends fail miserably in their courses....
still, for the next 6 years, i will be happy... really happy doing something that i have dreamt of for years... 6 years of hardwork will be worth it....
and thus this brings me to my christmas wishlist of the year:
1) enough money to build a hospital specially equipped to treat AIDS patients in Africa and enough AIDA medications for the nation
2) a pair of overalls (yes, i really want one as my old comfy one has been give away)
3) lifelong 50% discount for Borders, Kinokuniya and MPH (i don't ask for much...)
4) an iPod engraved with the words "Veni, vidi, vici"
5) a PSP player (yes, i DO love games)
6)flood victims in Johor will get sufficient help and funds to rebuild their homes
7) a cure for both cancer and AIDS
8) an end to ALL wars
9) a crate of cherries
10) a pair of ballet flats (have been searching for the perfect ones for ages)
it is one mix-and-match list for this year and i DO hope that i will get every single one of it... LOL
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
this is going nowhere....
this is how you say hello??!!
well, it seems that i was too trusting
maybe i have too high expectations....
but what the heck....
i DO have high expectations and that's just it....
Saturday, December 09, 2006
albert house 2006
how many times must i tell myself that since i'm staying in JB, i can see the singaporean gals anytime i want??!! it's just across the causeway right??
but what about the KL people and that terengganu boy??!!
albert house 2006 ended yesterday....
am still in my room no doubt sitting in front of the laptop but now... i strain to hear noises from the tea room (during exams, it used to drive me nuts) and when i come down the stairs, it's like silent, no slamming fire doors, no clatter down the stairs in flip flops... even the usually noisy laundry room is dead silent...
will miss the albert house people lots....
we had fun, didn't we??
Monday, December 04, 2006
coolness.... *sings* oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.....
and tomorrow's valecdictory...
and that's the sad part man....
but happy part now: will now have korean BBQ dinner.... yaaay....
Saturday, December 02, 2006
highlight of the day...
*big grinz*
ahhhh... back to bio now....
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Queen Vic Market Shopping Trip
what can be THAT nice about grocery shopping?? well, for starters, you need to go to a super bustling, super happening place like Queen Vic to get the goods. and when i say goods, i do mean literally anything under the sun... yes, even clothes and sour sticks (yes, me and yi yu saw these super long sour sticks that you can chew on for ages till it melts in your mouth)....
but most of all, i love the organic section for fruits and veggies. for organic stuff, the price range is really cheap man, considering that it's the freshest and least harmful of all foods.... and not to mention ,the gourmet ready made food section that has Greek dips, German bratwrust, marinated baby octopus, exotic coffees, never-before-heard sausages and bread rolls..... it's like a foodie heaven man..... it's been a long time since i last went there and boy did i miss it!!
so my Safeway green Eco friendly shopping bag contained these when i came back:
1) 5 nectarines (they are so darn cheap...)
2) 4 peaches (again, darn cheap too)
3) 1kg of cherries (again, half the normal price and they are sooooo sweeeet *happy sigh*)
4) 2 boxes of blueberries (a good source of antioxidants)
5) 2 Don Viennese frankfurt (it looks tempting in the window display and it's cheap)
6) 1 chicken oregano long sausage (again, it looks tempting)
7) 1 slice of baked cheesecake for Janice (it's her Econs exam tomorrow so a little encouragement for her as i know she LOVES cheesecake) and it's rumored to be the best cheesecake in Melb (that's what the display said anyway)
8) a small container of baby octopus (this is for Shaleen...she can't get enough of the octopus entree we had at Stalactites that day) from the greek gourmet food section....
for me, it's just fruits, fruits and more fruits for me... yums... can't wait to start on my nectarines.....
Saturday, November 25, 2006
a mixed basket of life...
yep, it's 4 subjects down and 1 more to go and that one more is only on 4 Dec... yay...
still it's freaking bio so memorisation is the key to score and Mel so does not like to memorise. she does better by understanding stuff... wonder why i took up the subject in the first place. probably because i THOUGHT it might give me a headstart on my probable career in medicine and not to mention, i THOUGHT it was so darn easy to score....shucks... i GUESSED wrong then....
anyways, to celebrate the end of chem finals today, we had a sort of impromptu girls shopping trip to Safeway.... yeah yeah yeah, it's only the local supermarket, not some super huge departmental store.. but hey, i haven't see the outisde sunlight in such a long time and can barely remember what it looks like... it's like *open door, blink, blink, blink* "wah, outside look like that one arh??"... okay, i'm exagerrating, but exams can do that to you man... sreiously... long term effects....
and since i'm taking a break from bio revision, shall just put up wacky pictures of the shopping trip where i only bought one HUGE bar of Cadbury Black Forest Choc (my favourite, my only obsession i will NEVER give up), some Lindor Thin Milk Chocs and Who magazine with Tom Cruise and Katie's wedding as the front cover... her reception dress looks so prettyful, designed by Armani and hand made with thousands of Swavaroski crystals... check it out man... absolutely classy and stunning.... still i'm wondering whether Suri, their little baby daughter (some weird name i must say, named after the African sun or something like that) is REALLY the offspring of Tom and Katie. sure, she resembles Katie but definitely NOT Tom.... i smell something scandalous here..... oh well.... celebs and the goss about them.... hmmm... entertaining...

me and qiqi both in our white white white pure white hoodies...

our other two shopping partners, yi yu and shaleen along Drummond St where we live...

qiqi in her "hmmm...." mood.... she was so darn happy today after chem exam was over... i was too....

and courtesy of qiqi , who actually demanded me to take this stupid, pathetic picture of the christmas tree in QV... it's quite pitiful compared to the HUGE on standing just on Swanston Street, around Collins Street.. qiqi was exclaiming all the way about how pretty it was and stuff... but qi arh, ic an find better ones for you rather than waste my MB on this pathetic tree man...
anyways, tomorrow, shaleen promised that we will go out to eat dinner!!! yay,.... finally, after two weekends of take away food..... this girl will go crazy at the sight of Toto's pasta or pizza....shall consult my Foodies' Guide To Melbourne tonight and look for any Japanese restaurants as requested by Shaleen.... that book is seriously good man....
and can't wait for tomorrow when i can go to Queen Vic Market to get my cherries, peaches and nectarines. this will be my second last week to taste such nice fruits man.... after that two weeks, i'm flying home where peaches, nectarines and cherries are bloody expensive... must stuff my face tomorrow. just taht night, shafiq bought some cherries from St Kilda, the local ones and jin sern gave me some. you could see my whole face lit up the moment the cherry MELTED in my mouth. it was so sinfully sweet man and oh-so-refreshing. you can literally see me swoon man. it's that amazing. alright, at least it is to me... as i LOVE my fruits....esp the above three. during the beginning of the year, i bought nectarines and peaches by the armloads. it was in season and so dirt cheeeap. now it's back in season so *goes off dreaming into the distance*...... *happy sigh*
Monday, November 20, 2006
of othello and pictures...
now that is what i learnt from Eng Lit... didn't know the powers of persuasion is so complex. oh well, now i know how to get my way around things because different people need different rhetoric techniques to convince them of something. like say a military figure like our dear Othello can be manipulated using both logos and pathos at the same time....
ok, enough of Othello... shall just post pictures instead.....

me, janice and shaleen at our annual class picture day.... love these two girls... they are the two closest friends i have in melb....

the girls from Albert House. it's like one big family portrait man....

more pictures of the girls....

chris, qi and me....

tiana and me!! she along qiqi has tonnes of earrings man.....and they are both trying to convert me into wearing dangling chandeliar earrings which i absolutely detest!!!

me and shaleen in colour coordinated black and white outfits for the day....
Friday, November 17, 2006
now or never...
but heck, shouldn't be complaining coz my group is really good and they are tons of fun... and not to mention, drama itself is fun... you get to be someone else for a change and for once in your whole life, you get to live the experience of being watched... it's like the spotlight is on you for once in your life and i do mean it literally... and when you get up there, you feel gazes on you and when you hit the right spot with the right lines and right emotions, you feel the collective suck in their breaths, waiting for the next action....i guess it's the desired effect every actor on stage wants.... it's like we live for the moment, like we are living for the 8 minutes and then, it's over and there's nothing you can do about it....
but for me, the moment i'm on stage is like i get an adrenaline high... yes, i do get the jitters and i can see my hand shaking... but heck, you take a risk and put all your feelings out there and you know that you will be fine....
all i can say is that i'm thankful for my drama group coz without tze, nick, sujana and tiok nee, drama wouldn't be THAT fun...
so cheers to you, guys....
it's now or never....
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
go check her recent entry out....
i think it's so great....
now, it's back to chem revision.....
had a brief respite just now and it's MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! (though i would say that janice hardly thinks so btu hey girl, we managed to give it already lah.... now left the monitoring...hehe)
**random entry**
Monday, November 06, 2006
bone-stuck-in-throat episode
i have an anchovy bone stuck in my throat!!
i can feel that it's there... right in my throat!!!
darn it!!
darn the caesar salad that i had in notturno!!!
it's so darn annoying!!
whenever i swallow, i can feel it moving!!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
you fall the hardest
crashing back to earth
with a dull thud. **
-Mel 2006-
** sometimes you never like the person you've become.
your surroundings and the people in it affect you the most. **
-Mel-in-an-after-prom-mood 2006-
Thursday, November 02, 2006
wanted:fairy godmother
Then all i need is a wave of her wand and i'll be on my way to prom looking like i just stepped out of Vogue.
Not that i read Vogue. I'm more a Seventeen fan or Girlfriend fan...
oh well....
where's a fairy godmother for hire when you need one??
top 5 prom movies
1) Never Been Kissed
2) A Cinderella Story (makes you wish for your very own Prince Charming!)
3) You've Got Mail
4) Howl's Moving Castle (this might be out of league here, but hey! it's a nice movie and you can never go wrong with Miyazaki! Miyazaki rules man!!)
5) The Green Mile (now this is WAY out of context here but heck, it's a great inspiring movie, makes you weep like hell!! maybe this should be an after prom movie, after all you don't want smudged mascara do you?)
gosh, this post is pathetic man... but i needed a break from mathslah...
Monday, October 30, 2006
oh well, i'm just glad that i don't really have all the hassle of buying dresses and shoes and accersories here in melbourne. i took the chance when i went back for the june holiday to get all my stuff. besides, it's cheaper there and not to mention, i know which shop has the prettiest dresses or the cutest bag. and my fashion consultant, my MUMMY, was there to give her advice. in fact she picked out my prom dress for me!! i was nearly giving up buying one coz i either looked fat in them or i looked too short in them or.... whatever lah. in the end, i got this really simple cream gown from Daniel Yam. super simple and super me lah...anyways, it's my mummy's thought that matters and not to mention, my daddy said that i looked pretty in it too!! hehe..... p.s. it was cheap too!!
oh well guess everyone will look their best during TBN... and one word to Qi: just be comfy in whatever that you wear okie, girl?? you're already very pretty and the dress is just going to accentuate it alright?? and tiana, can't wait to see you in your super hot dress lah!!
shoes fetish!!
so i had to settle on a pair by Mosaic. gold shoes nonentheless. but i want Marc Jacobs!! sigh... wish i had more money...
then i saw another pair by DKNY i think and it's gold too and i wanted that one... and it's slightly cheaper... but still around AU$400!! geez....
oh well. looks like i have to settle on the cheaper and not-so-pretty version of them then...
and i had Sumo Salad again for lunch. Lemon and herb chicken salad!! absolutely delish!! and a cup of Superjuice. i feel so healthy now... hehe... maybe i should top it up with an apple and nectarine.... must slim down before prom you know... or at least have glowing healthy skin....
Sunday, October 29, 2006
happy birthday aichen!!!
on a happier note, it's aichen's birthday!! so happy birthday gal!!! muuuackz.. miss u alot my dear.... esp our art classes together.. it was always a very "38" session for us i remember... we'll be like "omg, did u see this girl...??" and "yes, and did u see that girl...??" etc... and jing hua lao shi aka mr elvis would say that we are like the broadcast radio system... hehe... good times man...
so aichen, one year older liao... so better act 18 alrite?? hehe... luv u loads girl and may all your dreams come true...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
fave list!!
1) Run by Snow Patrol (kudos to wei sung for intro-ing me this song and he sings much better than the original singer lah)
2) Chasing cars
3) Kenangan Terindah (jin sern intro-ed this)
4) Light Surrounding You (my bro intro-ed this)
5) JJ Lin's Cao Cao CD
6) She Believes In Me (i intro-ed this to jin sern)
7) I Hope You Dance (i intro-ed this song to jin sern too!!hehe)
8) Always by Bon Jovi
9) My Confession by Josh Groban
10) Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Michael Buble
some of my favourite movies for the moment
1) You've got mail
2) The Lake House
3) Brokeback Mountain
4) A Cinderella Story (i know, it's sucha chick flick, but it's a really good one)
5) Ghost
6) Interview With a Vampire
7) Edward Scissorhands
8) Charlie and the chocolate factory ( i think johnny depp is a genius)
9) Spirited away
10) Howl's Moving castle (Miyazaki never fails to amaze)
Some of my favourite TV series
1) CSI: NY
2) CSI: las vegas (never did like the miami version of CSI)
3) House
4) Supernatural
5) Scrubs ( a funny take on a doctor's life)
actually, that's about it man... never did have the time to go for so many series... but i will ALWAYS have time for CSI and House.when i'm old and grey and still single, they will be my best friends....
Some of my favourite foods here in melbourne:
1) top of the list would be my vietnamese beef noodle soup... yums!!
2) pancake parlour's buttermilk pancakes
3) the meat platter at stalactites
4) gelato at either Freddo's (the roche flavour rocks) or Trampoline (their lemon and lychee is the best)
5) the ceasar salad at Notturno...
6)any salads from Sumo Salad
7) morrocan soup bar food... technically, haven't been there to eat yet but am dying to try the vegetarian dishes there.... just waiting for my fellow food partners, shaleen and janice to join me...
8) the jam doughnuts all over town
9) max brenner's belgian waffles!!
10) Zaleti's raisin toast with mascarpone and honey... yums!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
*IT* & *HIM*
but then again *IT* made such an impact on my life that i can never imagine myself without *IT*....
hmm... maybe that's why you can never live a day twice, much less live your whole life ALL over again...
and *IT* did save my life after all...
i should be grateful that i'm alive that is...
anyways, on to happier thoughts....
i finally saw him for the first time yesterday and well, let's just say that i was surprised by how he looked....
for a guy that is him, my expectations of "him" is this really nerdy and starbucks-going guy with a notebook under his arm and his head in the clouds but well, don't judge the book by its cover.
and then i saw him today again and suddenly he looks like a nerd all over again....
what can i say?? i'm just one confused girl... my perceptions of people are as constant as the moon cycle....
Thursday, October 12, 2006
happy birthday to missy ang...
coz then i get to eat all the good but expensive food taht i can't afford...hehe...
and i want to bring my bro around the college and let him see what's my life like here in melbourne....
but 1st, must settle down and study....
btw, happy birthday tiana!! love you lots girl.. hope u like yje clubbing kit we got assembled for you... it has the most essential items to look good when out partying....hehe... no more coming into my room and screaming that u don't have anything to wear coz now you have accesories to dress yourself up... hehe...and officially 18, must keep an eye on you liao... hehe....
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
prom fever...
and i'm the uninitiated to the world of proms am really amused by all the going ons and the albert house guys and girls have their equal share of drama about prom... and every day and night, you listen to various gossip about who's going with who and i get my newws from teh very prominent and HIGHLY informative "TM" radio.... hehe... that particualr source has the nicest gossip about everything and anything... but i don't listen all the time, i do contribute to that source's ever growing news.... hehe.... that is if i get any newsworthy stuff to say...
anyway, back to prom... the most unlikely people are going to the prom together and there are really weird couples.. "merely friends" huh?? hehe....
well, wil be going out with the albert house people and will be sitting with them... so it should be the most boisterous table in the hall and it is after all the last event of the year and not to mention, the after prom party at ember or hush.... so need to buy a new top or something for that... because i'm so not going dancing in my long dress.....
Monday, October 09, 2006
can't wait to see them and bring them around the place...
dad even said that he wants to walk his "little girl" to college.... hehe, guess he does miss me after all... i mean, the intelligent conversation in the house will have definitely decrease after my departure....
so yes, i will make a list of things to do and eat (the eating part is especially for my bro) so that i won't waste anytime thinking of places to bring them....
1) of course, a tour around albert house (this is for my dad's benefit since he has never actually seen the place yet) note to self: clean up room.. or maybe not coz mum will do that for me without me asking coz that's what mums do best!! cleaning!!
2) a trip to the whole family's fave greek restaurant!! stalactites!! mum's been craving it since last time
3) pancake parlour!! yes, it's like a hidden treasure tucked away on swanston st taht makes the most awesome, buttery pancakes. yums!!
4) DFO, chadston for my mum and dad for all their shopping needs and for daddy to exercise his wallet a bit... hehe and then smith st for my bro, the sports freak.
5) and the national gallery of victoria for bro!! he always wanted to see the paintings and i just bought a whole book describing each piece fo artwork and i finally have someone to go with me and go gaga over the art!! yaaaay....
6) and st kilda!! the ultimate beach getaway... hopefully, it will be warm enough then we can play in the sand and sea and eat all the yummy seafood... coz i just got this foodies' guide for just $2 at myers' sale and they have like all sorts of cafes and food places in st kilda!!
7) some salads from sumo salad in QV for mum... she absolutely adores them... she's such a health freak man...
8) sofia.... the nicest and cheapest restaurant in camberwell.
9) and that brings me to notturno, where friends meet on lygon.... the most heavenly cakes on earth and the most sinful caesar salad i have ever tasted....
10) great ocean road and if possible mornington peninsula for daddy... he always wanted to go there....
11) all the surf shops on swanston for bro!! he loves his boardpants and hopefully it will be hot enuff for him to show them off. but then again, even if it is chilly, he would still wear them, he has skin THAT thick... liek a polar bear can keep warm in minus 0 degrees in his boardpants.
12) max brenner's!! my fave choc bar!!
13) and hush bar, the first clubbing place i went to....
hmmm... i think there are still more... but i'm hungry now so lunch for me now....
Monday, October 02, 2006
adults only please....
and it is well... like college-ey...
we had this field trip to melbourne musuem for our bio practical... a great way to start a college term i would say. we had a great time investigating evolution of life on earth and DNA.... and we had a sidetour into the mind and body gallery where me and sanny had the chance to view a tastefully and artfully done tape of sexual reproduction of humans!! hehe, there was like a man and a woman who was kissing and they were having sexual intercourse and there was this weird background music.... erotic even i would say... hehe....and then there was a VERY graphic demo of the ejaculation of sperm (with the sound effect of a very majestic "whooooosh" in the tape i must say) and the formation of the fetus....and pictures of very pregnant women... me and sanny were like grinning all the way through the tape and after it finished, we looked around and we found similar grinning adults standing in a circle attentively watching that very video.... hehe.... didn't see any lecherous old man.. or women for that matter.... (feminism being the debate topic for this HOI term).....
and when we came out of that particular "restricted" section, i saw mummies and daddies reading the sign outisde that section and then they immediately led their very small and tiny children away from that section... it was hilarious hearing this small boy going "mummy, i want to see this section... can i???" and then the mummy went, "oh no darling you need a very special pass to see that..." it was like this adults-only section....
Saturday, September 30, 2006
daily grinds...
with a sense of nolstalgia (complete with blue font man).....
well, its IS the last term of TCFS and i would really really really MISS all the tutors and lectureres and my friends and not to mention, teh stupid long walk to royal parade that always kills my legs....
and also the maths lecture where Bell my maths lecturer would emit strange noises at intervals with his "cool maths show" and his Star Wars language....
all there is to it is...
nome carpe diem....
Friday, September 29, 2006
term 4 cometh....
and my hand hurts like hell!!! sobz... from pulling mu super heavy Elle luggage.. i swear it was like *pull, drag, huff, puff, squeak* argh.... and i have just like moved it a few steps....and at the luggage carousel it took so darn long for my luggage to come down the roller thingy and there i was panicking at LOSING it and i came out like super early and tried to stand next to big burly guys so that i can ask them to get my luggage out of the carousel thingy if it was too heavy for me to do...hehe....i know, pretty sneaky....but hey, i got it down all on my own... wait a moment please.. *proud moment*.... sigh....
and the taxi queues were HORRENDOUS!! seriously, it was like office hour or something like that and apparently all the businessman (and women, itz the 21st century for goodness sake) were coming back from their domestic business flights.... and they looked so polished and chic in their all balck outfit, complete with steel metal case and matching serious expressions and in some cases, matching bald spots on their heads...hehe... from worrying abput the stock market too much i guess.... next time, i'm not coming back in the evening...will choose the super early ones or the midnight ones....
well, it was great to see everyone back again... yep, and i saw qiqi first and she was still as sweeet as ever except maybe thinner liao... *green eye monster descends in my shoulder now* so not fair lah... then saw shyanne and her newly bought jay chou cd...ey, qi, his new cd is nice lah and is so "mel" right?? and then i saw chris teo!! still as cool as ever lah....with her new abercombie and fitch tee and straight cut men's jeans...hehe....and we chatted about euthanasia (thatz mercy killing in laymen's terms)...i know, pretty heavy topic for a first day back at albert house right??? hehe....
oh well, term 4 cometh....
Thursday, September 14, 2006
one silver lining coming right up...
i'm back for my bro's drama... the merchant of venice!!!
yes, it is a shakespearean play and one that i'm not THAT familiar with... so yea, it'll be great fun i think...
and my bro better thank me for coming back to m'sia to see his drama man....
and that is a good excuse to come back, i must say....
and i'm doing some face painting stuff for his friend who acts as the devil in the drama.... yaay.. more art for me!!!hee
it's not all that dark and gloomy, my homecoming....
term 3 ends...
except this time...
it's not ALL about meeting friends, shopping, eating etc...
the good stuff....
but can u believe that i'm actually back to study??!!
YESH, u heard / read right....
have brought back tonnes (and i do mean tonnes... my chem and bio reference book weighs like 5kg each.. and i kidd u not man!!!) of books and notes and stuff...
term 4 is starting soon and out of the ten weeks:
5 is for lectures and tutorials
1 is for our drama group devised performances
1 is for examinations (or is it two??? i can't remember)
1 is for valecdictory
1 is for....urm.... hold on a sec... i have NO IDEA what the rest are for....
anyway, the conclusion is:
Friday, September 01, 2006
names, names and more names....
back to the past... i'm so not living in the 1920s if my name is the below i tell u.... geez... it's so hideous sounding.. like a plague or something.. why can't it be something like Madeline Woogemeyer??!!
Your 1920's Name is: |
![]() |
geez... this is creepy lah... how can i be blind and write poetry?? i always thought poets are supposed to have sensitive senses... but blind?? geez.... and died in childbirth?? helloe??!! and saudi arabia?? i think that's why my skin is so tanned IN THIS LIFE lah....
In a Past Life... |
![]() Where You Lived: Saudi Arabia. How You Died: In Childbirth. |
okie, now i'm a vampire... this is cool.... except i was hoping for some seductive name like Evangeline Clanchy the Red...
Your Vampire Name Is... |
![]() |
always did love the x men and batman... yes, i'm a superhero comics fan... i love animated stuff so of course i HAD to take this test... except my name sounds so stupid and retarded... i might as well be called the Golden Ass after Apuleius which reminds me of my 1st HOI essay....hehe
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() |
hey, finally a name that sounds cool!! and a comet chaser for that matter... not bad at all.. i'm sooo looking forward to the future man.... maybe i can name my child my future name.... it's so cool... calling people "vooooooovvvv....."
If You Were Born in 2893... |
![]() And You Would Be: A Comet Chaser |
yesh, even a pirate name... and this is one sounds quite cool....
Your Pirate Name Is... |
![]() |
wow, now i have so many names for aliases... cooool.....
p.s. rui xi, u have to check this out okie?? hehe....
a tribute to drama rama...
yes, it was so darn nerve wrecking but still, when i got up there and did my scary monster of a mother thing, nothing else really mattered and the audience was great and they being there gave me a boost of confidence... yea, the bigger the audience, the scarier it is but hey... i work in mysterious ways man!! hehe....
and have to say a big thank you to my team mates man!! THEY WERE AWESOME!! we didn't miss one word and everything went like clockwork i tell u... and they were even more gret than usual.. more enthu and more serious... and we didn't laugh the whole time AT ALL... hehe, thanks to sujana and his "better be serious arh.. last time already..." he always did grill that into our brains man.... coz everytime during practice, we ALWAYS crack up... but this time, when the audience DID laugh, we didn't... hehe... so thanks sujana....
yes, this is suj aka thomas, my eldest son in the drama and his ultra scary mum, ME!! love u loads, son.... don't worry, will fully support you if you go into photography.... heehee... wil be ur number one FAN!!
and not forgetting my supportive husband, nicholas!! no, nick, i'm not gonna get a divorce from you... but you have to work harder like mr phillips okie?? i want a bigger house and a bigger dining table lah!! thanks so much for being stage manager and everything... for organising stuff, buying the props and stuff...
yes, that's my plumber husband there.. that's our happily-ever-after portrait in the drama... what we wore for our drama... so its our pre drama pose...
but nick is MUCH MUCH cooler than that.. so of course, i will include the post drama pose too... when we changed out of our malu-fying costumes... btw nick is extremely self conscious... even before we took this shot, he had to look into a glass to see whether his reflection was alright and that one drama practice, he came skulking in and wailed that he ahd a bad hair day. and me and rui xi looked and looked and looked and pronounced him still as shuai as ever but NOOOOO.... he INSISTED that he had a BAD HAIR DAY!!! geez... such luck to marry a man like him..hehe
yes, that's nick at his coolest. all black and hair wax....
and not forgetting nell who is my youngest cutest son who loves football... but in real life, nell doesn't play sports at all so sujana had to coach him like for soooo long to get his part right... poor sujana and poor nell... but i must say that he's great coz he made the audience laughed like mad with his footballer impersonation and nell had to endure the pain of getting carpet burn on his healing knee... poor guy... nvm.. the huge plaster that i give you will help..heh... thanks for everything and for the brilliant ideas that you gave.... it was great to work with u...
and of course, not forgetting RUI XI!!! the grandmother of the family who wants to get control over the family... she's so sweeet and cute but she managed to do this grandmother who is quite the conniving lady and manipulates her way through.... thanks for everything girl!!! we all love u loads, especially your son...hehe... i think nick prefers you to me loh... darn it...hehe...
that's rui xi with her white ah-ma hair.... doesn't she look grandmotherly??
and to tze meng: hugsie!! thanks for the music and stuff.. you did great and right on time too... and you were hot on the dance floor too with your moves and groove.... especially the last part... walau eh!! so shocking man!!hee....
yep, that's him and his super cute mini tie, looking darn glam and me at most mature look... skirt and ruffles for the mother....
and here's the rest of the pictures of the other groups... i'm so lucky to have a drama class that is really sporting and the people are so funny and stuff... real easy to work with them...
yes, that's my whole family... a happy portrait....
that's the whole gang here with our drama stage... stephan has like one gold hoops in each ear, very pirate-ish.... tze meng said that he looks very actor-ish....hehe... go get your own gold hoops then, tze....
nick, tze and me...
me and chandra... i think the baby is yours chandra... he really does have YOUR eyes.. and i think that you fight better than your rival...hehe... very nice guy...
the whole gang in acting mode with stephan... our mentor.... he gave lotsa ideas...
oh, that's the first group... "the yakuza vs the mafia: the battle" with all the gun scenes complete with dancing choreography too.... yi sheng, tze, bryan, stephan, rachel and michele....

me and rachel, the japenese yakuza head... hehe... she's darn funny... very bimbotic poses i know
but they are even more bimbotic than me and rachel right?? yourselves guys somemore... and the two pairs of legs in teh background belong to din's and his mysterious girl.... hehe....

yes, "whose baby is it anyway?" tiok nee (super scandalous martial arts warrior), me and li sher (One of the bad guys in the 3rd performance "whose baby is it anyway?") and not forgetting tiok nee's baby ak doggie... hehe.... the girls are really funny in their drama.... complete with killer moves, great soundtrack and balck heavy eyeliner...

yeap, that's the evil bad guy in the 3rd piece, din; tze and me.... yes, din is ALL READY to strangle tze in his super nice black tank top... tze, you cannot compare to him man... look, he's so buff... and you have a long way to go man....though i must say the super cute mini leather tie is niiiiceeee......

yes, now, tze is admitting defeat to din.... hehe... guys will always be guys...

well, all in all, it was a great day.. everyone said we rock the house... and every one did their best... and so ends term 3.... we all had a great time man....
sigh... drama DOES rock....
and so does my drama class...
Thursday, August 31, 2006
the truth dazzles...
breathe in breathe out... freaking out is not gonna help mel....
i hope people like our drama man... coz ours is so darn serious!! not likt tze meng's and tiok nee's ones... theirs are hilarious man!! can laugh till cry.... but ours is like *frowns* serious all the way coz we wanted to send the message that we should accept our family members for who they are and that the obsession for perfection wil cause the break up of our family. and yes, i'm the super control freak, super perfectionist mother who is so darn aggresive who later has a super break down... and nicholas is my poor hen-pecked husband....hehe... but at the end, he is like ultra scary with his shouting... i always jumped whenever he shouts even in practice.... and sujana is soooo funny man.... and nell is...well, nell.... he's teh cute guy in the drama.... my youngest son... and last but not least, rui xi is the cunning grandmother who wants power of the family....
well, it surely does SOUND serious in my blog....
well here goes man.... tomorrow....
now have to iron my shirt and skirt... and practice walking in my heels.....
darn heels... so high....
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
a breathe of fresh air....
You Are a Sensitive Kisser |
![]() And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy It may take you a while to kiss someone... But when you do, it's total fireworks |
omigoodness... just trying this out for fun and i must say again that this is quite true man....heehee... though i do hope that i'm not THAT big a nerd man...
You are a Brainy Girl! |
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oh gosh.... this is getting addictive man... so fun!! here goes another one....i suggest that all of u try this out...
You Will Be a Modern Bride! |
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oh well... this is again somewhat true again.... man, this is A-D-D-I-C-T-I-V-E !!!!!
Your Element is Earth |
![]() Your energy: balancing Your season: changing of seasons Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends.You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems.Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones.Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful. |
now off to do more maths.... a refreshing rest from maths i must say....
Saturday, August 26, 2006
date dress style?? HUH??
Your Style is Sassy |
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onto happier things...hee...
i never did know that they had such tests to gauge your DATE DRESS STYLE too!!
sassy.... i like....hehe... not sure whether this is accurate or not man...
i never did like...
1) the really demanding ones... (can't you just freaking be contented with what i can give you? coz if i do it your way, something's bound to go wrong.)
2) the really obnoxious, i'm-so-talented ones... (We know that you are talented but there's no reason to BROADCAST it... subtlety and modesty is the KEY!!)
3) the really ungrateful ones... (Those who do not even acknowledge my help is NO LONGER on my "to help" list....)
last of all...
4) the ones that think that they are being funny and having the time of their lives at the expense of others... (just because you are happy and having fun, it doesn't mean that others are... be considerate and think of others. people have feelings and emotions too. and think of the consequences please... put yourself in that person's shoes, for goodness sake!!)
i put up with them but one day, i might blow...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
nah, didn't start smoking lah.... i never did like people who smoked anyway...
but yea, i went to a club-cum-bar yesterday night till 3m in the morning.... hee... had a great time man...danced till my legs hurt this morning. and the music was like still pounding in my head man...but the songs were really cool and the whole place was super happening man... it was an event specially organised for trinity students at Hush Bar in Melb Central but there outsiders there still...
and saw so many trinity people there man. and my collegemates who i never thought i would see them clubbing were there tossing back alchohol like H2O.... geez, it was like a different world for me but still now, i know why clubbing is so addictive. it makes you want to club even more. it's like never enough. you just want to keep on dancing and drinking till the closing time. your friends are around you, they are laughing, you are joking around, talking and the music blaring in your ears. and everyone so glammed up for a change. and suddenly, the music changes and this really cool song comes on and you drag your friends to the dancefloor and danced your way through every song.... it's so darn H-I-G-H.....
and not to mention, the amount of people watching i indulged in when i was resting from dancing and drinking. couples were all over each other. girls in their short skirts and skimpy tops dirty dancing with guys they barely knew.
hehe... new experience for mel man... and the drinks there were nice and fruity... quite low in alchohol content so was sober... but had to be coz had to look after some people....
and guys were coming up to us, me and my girl friends, to dance with us and buy drinks for us... hehe.. but we just ignored them. it was like a girls' night out and stuff and we had a great time dancing with each other so what the heck. and the guys looked kinda creepy and dodgy too. this guy even pulled me to dance with him and i stopped, stared at him then walked back to my friends. and he wasn't like the first man. geez... i don't mind dancing with guys that i know but definitely not guys that i don't know. coz the next min, i saw that particular guy dancing with this young girl and had his hands all over her....
so all in all... it was a fun night out and tiana, you owe me one ya??? hehe....
XOXO mel who just had her first clubbing night....
Sunday, August 13, 2006
44 things a girl would die for.... + a few more extras of my own...
2. Talk to her.
3. Share secrets.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her places.
10. Let her be with you when you're withyour friends.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more,deny it.Fight back, tell her you love her more.
15. When her friends say they love her more than you, deny it. Fight back and hug her tightso she can't get to her friends. It makes her feel loved.
16. Always hug her and say you love herwhenyou see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around her waist.
19. Tell her she is beautiful, not sexy.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
21. Kiss her on the lips.
22. Don't ask her to buy you stuff. You buy her stuff.
23. Tell her what feels good.
24. Make her feel loved.
25. Buy her stuff. Even small things count.
26. Don't LIE to her.
27. DON'T CHEAT ON HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28. Take her anywhere she wants.
29. Message her in the morning and tell her to have a good day at school/work and how much you miss her.
30. Be there for her when ever she needsyou,and even though she doesn't need you be thereso she'll know that she can always count on you.
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she canhold you too.
32. When you are alone, hold her closeand kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the tip of her nose, it willgive herthe hint that you want to kiss her.
34. While at the movies, put your armaround her.She will then automatically put her headon yourshoulder. Then lean in and tilt her chinup and kissher lightly.
35. When she complains that herneck/shoulderhurts, massage it for her.
36. When people diss her, stand up forher.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell heryou loveher.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head onyour chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart. Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other,grab herhand.
40. When you hug her, hold her in yourarms aslong as possible.
41. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipeawayher tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always remind her how much you love her.
+ a few more things a guy should do for a girl:
45. always be decisive but sensitive to her wishes
46. do NOT ignore her in front of your friends
47. talk things out if nothing works out well
48. always be with her but give her room to breathe
49. be honest!!
50. remember the little things that u did together
Friday, August 11, 2006
old times sake...
1st, ai chen is going to take her balck belt.... hee, never in my wildest dreams would i think that she would go on training till so long, not to mention, hold on to it for soooo long. i still remember her saying that since me and yi xian gone already, she would prob quit it, in fact she said she'd DEFINITELY quit!! hehe, now she's gonna be a black belt like me.... oh gosh, this is so surreal...
2nd, xin nee just has her 1st boyfriend. still don't know who the lucky guy is but he better know that with us girls by xin nee's side, he better not mess with her.
3rd, all my primary and sec school friends are getting together, as in in a relationship!! geez, it makes me feel so old. no specific reason, but it just makes me feel like i'm 60 going on 70 or something like that. maybe i'm still clinging on to that image of all of us being in secondary school, playing and laughing our way through life. but now, we're like young adults with our university courses in front of us, careers to think about, new friends to get used to and in some cases (actually it's most cases) my friends have special people that they can relate.... this just makes me more nolstalgic about the past....
but as my HOI essay question says about futurism, it's no use dwelling on the past. the preent and future is more worth your time and effort.
heck, i just miss the old times man...
but i'm not going to trade my college year to relive secondary school again... coz i enjoy my time here in melb...
i guess life just goes on whether you want it or not....
and time is ticking... so i'd better get back to my HOI essay....
Monday, August 07, 2006
drama mama mia!!!
hehe, yep, i've been wrong about our drama going down the drain... in fact, i think we accomplished quite a lot in 1 and a half hours.... well, we did a lot of playing (stephan always say we have to play warm up games... so sujana here goes, "es ca do es ca do..." yep, suj, the game was pretty lame but still, it's been pretty cool to see rui xi been whacked by you... and rui xi, i know it's so not fair right??hee...) , planning and a fair bit of teasing each other....hehe....
we all have our roles and i get to play the domineering mother and nicholas is my poor husband and i have two sons... suj and nell... and nell, next time eat dinner before you come lah..... tell you so may times already lah....hehe next time i buy fries for you lah....nell's this guy from macau and he's really nice and darn talkative... always teasing my chinese.... and rui xi... sweet, cute rui xi is the grandmother...
then after talking about the roles for a few minutes, we realise that rui xi who's the absolute youngest (bday being in november and going on 17) is playing the oldest character and nell who is like 20 is the younger son....hehe... irony man....
still , i must say my drama group rocks.... yes, even sujana and his imaginary girlfriend, isabelle.... they are such funny people....
twiddle thumbs....
waiting at swanston st for my drama rehearsal...somehow, i don't think i'll be doing quite well in drama this time though my group rocks... i guess it's like brain freeze or brain drain or something like that....
never did had any problems with ideas for drama as i use to have tonnes of them in sec school... but now it's like....
(insects hum and buzz in the background)
it's like NADA..... geez...
how frustrating....
shall not give up... my medical profession on the line here....
oh and maddie should be in darwin by now.... maddie, take care and all of us here will miss you lots when you go to china... and i think you are darn cool for spending one year helping the children in china to master english... you rock maddie!!
and i'm waiting to hear you speak chinese when you come back alright??? not to mention, bring back lotsa juicy gossip about your 5 months there....
gosh, i'm missing you already....
Sunday, August 06, 2006
peace rally....
then as we were walking out, there was this peace rally thing for palestinians, israelis and nuclear power... something like that.... and maddie, being the human rights activist out of all of us, stooped to talk to some of the people and we ended up staying at the rally infront of the state... it was really hyped up, i must say... speakers from diff levels of society and there was even more people milling about distributing flyers, talking to people and selling buttons and newsletters and books.... the whole enchilada... so many people passionate about something is really something to see and experience... and this was my 1st time at a peace rally....
but then again, i was thinking and jasmine was saying something along the lines of this: "so what if we organise a peace rally in melb when the suffering is happening in israel or palestine or whatever??" i mean would the politicians really care about what a group of people with placards and microphones are chanting?? would they really change their minds about policies and decisions?? would war stop just because we are chanting "stop the war!! no justice, no peace!!"??? or is it about the emotional support that the demonstrators are showing??? or to garner more attention from the media??? but can the media really influence what the top people are thinking and doing??
i guess i'm much too under informed and young to know how rallies work... but i must say that i have to admire their passion, courage and determination for doing what they are doing....they do it oh-so-tirelessly and without losing steam.... for going up to random people and talking about topics taht are sensitive to some....
well, i guess people do what they believe is right and they do all that they can to live life to the fullest. if they think that doing this peace rally thing is their thing, then go ahead.. after all, tehy aren't hurting anybody... it's a PEACE RALLY.... and it IS a free world.... anyone is free to express their beliefs and opinions and passions...
if they don't cross the boundaries that is....
souvenirs from the rally.... and yes, pooja, i'm a green person.. i can recycle all these flyers....hehe

Saturday, August 05, 2006
high, high, high, high, HIGH.....
1st,we worked our butts off at gym to start with.... what a way to start the weekend off man... burning calories was super fun with friends... and we were making fun of the girl who was conducting the body attaak class. shaleen was saying how fit and buff the girl was and she IS REALLY FIT AND BUFF MAN!!!! then we caught her yelling to the class in this creepy booming voice of hers... "BURN!!! BURN THEM ALL!!" and we were like "WHAAAAAT????!! THAT'S SCARY!!!" she's liek a witch or something... then we heard her say.... in that booming voice of hers menacingly, "BURN THE FATS!! FEEL THEM BURN!!!!" then we were like (blink blink) "ORRRRH.....THAT'S WHAT SHE MEANT!!!" geez... then we tumbled around laughing and gasping for air.....
2nd, after the workout, we went for viet food.... again, yums and healthy!!!sigh...
3rd, as we were walking past melb central, janice said oh-so-casually, "you know what i want now?? i need something sweeeet...." and our eyes were like "tiiiing" lighted up instantly.... and we were like homing missiles on automated mode, heading straight for Max Brenner's.....
4th, on the way to max b, i said, "geez, i feel like watching a movie now...." and shaleen immediately said, "the lake house" and zooooom... off we went to HOYTS to buy tickets...
it was like so spontaneous...liek we were all in sync or something man... and we talked so much at max b taht we almost missed the 1st part of the show man....hehe..... too much to talk liao....
and teh movie rocks... all of us agree on taht.... and shaleen, we are still waiting to see you cry ya???? hehe....
8am my alarm clock rang.. i snoozed it and went back to sleeeeep....zzzz....
8.10am i snoozed the alarm yet again and went back to sleeeeep....
8.20am i snoozed the alarm for the 3rd time and went bac to sleeeep....
8.30am i snoozed the alarm for the 4th time and went back to sleeeeep....
8.40am i snoozed it again and zzzzzz...........
8.50am i told myself must wake up NOW but zzzzzz...........
9.00am i really told myself must get out of bed NOW..... and i;m proud to say that i did....
9.10am sitting around in my room with minty fresh breath after brushing teeth and super alert eyes after washing face.... n i got this seriously good brainstorm : to browse at borders to start my day!!
9.20am i reached borders but it was only open at 9.30am so i went to hungry jack's and bought pancakes.... super yums!!
9.40am i reach borders again and browsed... trying to find persuasion by jane austen and you've got mail DVD.... from last night's the lake house.... such a romantic movie man....
10.15am couldn't find either so rushed to swanston st to atttend chem replacement lecture....
then in the afternoon, me, janice tan and peh and jin sern and pong went to myers for shopping spree... at least the guys had a good time shopping.... and jin sern arh, no need to be such a good boy k?? if your parents say can buy sweaters, then just buy... don't call them and tell them crap like 'but i feel abit guilty buying lah like i spend toooo much cash lah'.... helllooooeeee.....excuse me but if your parents are nice enough to ALLOW you to buy, just SHOP lah....geez.....
must be abit like pong.... buy means buy.... no wishy washy attitude....pong is a very good shopping partner btw....he buy means buy... no hesitation man.... and his taste is GOOD i must say, unlike a certain someone....hee
and that green sweater is really very nice lah.... and u can't get it in m'sia one and it's seriously worth it man, jin sern....
then we went to eat some food because the girls were like complaining taht we were so darn hungry...hehe....
but the food in albert house today was good.... we stuffed our faces man!! back to the gym tomorrow...hee....
Friday, August 04, 2006
and omg, it was so darn funny, the questions....
they ask questions like whether children crying is a sign that something is wrong or whether it's just their need for attention and you should just ignore them...
and they ask like whether you're a leader in your group... so of course, you would say yes lah... that's like standard lies to get through to the next stage... classic lie i would say....
and the Mel that i put down on the answer sheet is a bit unlike the Mel that's me... honestly, they are never even honest to goodness answers.. just some make up answers to make yourself look good or something.... it's kinda pathetic that you have to resort to something like that to get into medc... but then again, the next stage would be much much much much tougher... it's the dreaded interview and i have to go all the way to adelaide for THAT.... sigh..... worth it???
hmmmm... and just had donuts from that small shop in melb central... it used to be soooo good, but now it just tastes dodgy and kinda yucky....sigh, there goes my fave donuts....
now, am off to the gym to work off all those extra calories....hehe.... luckily i had two only, the jam and nutella one and qiqi had the other 4 and she treated me... probably because she finished like two rows of my lovely lovely lovely cadbury milk choc yesterday night and took up my beauty sleeeep hours....hehe.... and i had to practically drag her out the door from albert house on the phone to the PQA thingy coz she still happily eating her lunch....hehe... you owe me lots, qi...
Thursday, August 03, 2006
reunion!! SSS and CTSS 2004
it's gonna be dinner at coretto's. wow, this is like so surreal man... yet so cool...hehe....can't wait to see all of them again.
now, if i can just find gavin and make sure that he is going with me then i'll be fine...hehe....
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
excuse me... but how as i suppose to know that they put onions in it...
and can i just say onions STINK LIKE HELL!!!! I HATE ONIONS....
it's THE most foul veggie on earth....
i wish it would just go extinct or something then i don't need to see, taste, smell, eat, cut. think about them AT ALL....
and cherry tomatoes and blueberries rawk!!!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I'll Be
But i'm not regretting the choice i made. in fact, i'm darn proud that i had the courage to do it. it's not entirely for myself, though it is a large part of it...
i guess life goes on... and i'm loving every day of it.
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
Emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
I'll Be your cryin' shoulder
I'll Be love suicide
I'll Be better when I'm older
I'll Be the greatest fan of your life
Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above
I'll Be your cryin' shoulder
I'll Be love suicide
I'll Be better when I'm older
I'll Be the greatest fan of your life
I've dropped out, burned up, fought my way back from the dead
Tuned in, turned on, remembered the things you said
I'll Be your cryin' shoulder
I'll Be love suicide
I'll Be better when I'm older
I'll Be the greatest fan of your life
cherry tomatoes = heaven
and just want to say mike heald rocks!! i love his lectures... and his dry sense of humour.... hee...
Monday, July 31, 2006
life's like a rollercoaster
hehe, get what i mean??
am just an incoherant bunch of cells...
had a mind and nerve racking morning with student services and it was no joke i tell you. had to convince them of something that i believe in and worked hard for..... and now, it's still in the tentative balance and it's killing my sanity no doubt but at least they seemed convinced by yours truly but still...everything is in their hands and i tell you it's not good like that AT ALL...
but i went to the gym to work off some steam and it was awesome... went for this class call body jam and it was really hopping man!!! it's like a combi of dance and aerobics...super choreographed adn it has my fave element - dance!! we did sean paul and miisy elliot and some latin group.... really cool... everyone was like relaxing and dancing away... the atmosphere was so darn high....wheeeee........and teh music was pumping in your ears and you are lije moving to was like theraphy for me man....
sigh......(warm fuzzy feeling in tummy)......niiiiice..............
Sunday, July 30, 2006
talk about guys ego....
anyways, jin sern burst into my room and demanded that i record in my blog that the second own goal was actually scored by him... hehe.... guys' ego so darn big!! he wants me to write this:
the own goal is actually scored by him... he was one inch away from teh ball and wanted to kick it in but the other defender accidentally took it away and kicked it in....
geez.... talk about super huge pride....hehe.... see, jin sern, i wrote it in for the world to see....
it's over for goodness sake so let it go ya??? remember to breathe....
and you suck at mystic inn lah... your reflexes are really slow man....
had a great time at dinner today... me and shaleen and janice tan and yi yu had a blast making fun at each other today on the way back from the jap restaurant. it's been quite soem time since i last felt so relaxed.... actually i feel relaxed everyday....heehee... the stress of college....
yaaaay... i'm going back in sept.... can't wait.... i need to get away from it all.....
healthier mel!!! yaaaaay.....
and i was even in the mood for healthier shopping and lunch.... had grilled fish for lunch and some veggies... and then at safeway i bought a lot of fresh food...
1) red apples - very snow white-ish...
2) 4 tubs of yoghurt light - i love yoghurt
3) 3 boxes of strawberries - $2.95 per box...and mum says a lot of antioxidants
4) 1 box of blueberries - i just tried a few berries and they are awesome and really sweet....
5) 200g of mini sausages
6) 200g of streaky bacon
7) 1 box of cherry tomatoes - janice influenced me to buy them...she buys like 3 huge big red tomatoes and eats them raw without seasonings or anything else... geez...
8) 1 packet of Babel cheese - the red round cheeses that i always love so much..thank goodness i can find them here...
9) 2 boxes of juices - this time i took Invigorate and Green Zone... full of goodness in nature...
10) 1 box of Arnotts' Tiny Teddy On Safari - thatz the only unhealthy thing in my basket....
my grocery bag was bulging the time i came out of safeway....