Monday, July 31, 2006

life's like a rollercoaster

geez, its been a rollercoaster day for me... emotions going up and down like....wheeeee.......plunge.......scream..........argh.......

hehe, get what i mean??

am just an incoherant bunch of cells...

had a mind and nerve racking morning with student services and it was no joke i tell you. had to convince them of something that i believe in and worked hard for..... and now, it's still in the tentative balance and it's killing my sanity no doubt but at least they seemed convinced by yours truly but still...everything is in their hands and i tell you it's not good like that AT ALL...

but i went to the gym to work off some steam and it was awesome... went for this class call body jam and it was really hopping man!!! it's like a combi of dance and aerobics...super choreographed adn it has my fave element - dance!! we did sean paul and miisy elliot and some latin group.... really cool... everyone was like relaxing and dancing away... the atmosphere was so darn high....wheeeee........and teh music was pumping in your ears and you are lije moving to was like theraphy for me man....

sigh......(warm fuzzy feeling in tummy)......niiiiice..............

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