albert house had a soccer team and so we, the girls had to take up our cheerleading responsibilities and cheer the guys on... so we went all the way to clifton hills and stayed there till the guys ended the matches. too bad even with so many girls there giving them semangat, they lost 3 out of 4 matches. but the last match, they made a comeback and jonathan scored one goal and then the other team scored one for us. OWN GOAL!!!! yaaaay...
yeah yeah yeah... it wasn't exactly scored by our own albert house guys but hey!! you should always be glad with what you get!! make lemonade out of lemons. make choc out of cocoa beans. whatever they say it. and joel got a broken fibula that he had to get it check out at st vincent's. poor guy.... don't worry joel. we will all be your slaves for the 3 weeks you'll be crippled. and the guys miss you at the match.

yes, here are the guys huddled together after the 4th match. and that's the man of the hour, jonathan in yellow...

yes, that's neo with his super uber funky pose....
and next to him is the captain of albert house team, leslie, a great captain and a great footballer and a really hilarious guy
and the 3rd one is jin sern

all the guys tired out already....and again neo with his trademark pose....sheesh....
and andrew with his butt-that-got-molested-and-was-hurting-like-hell-and-a-1st-aider-had-to-out-ice-on-it.....but this picture was pre-butt-molestation episode.... and molested was not the word i chose to use here.... it was from his own mouth....

and the rest of the guys...
steven the goalie who saved thousands of balls... yay him!!!
and shafiq our cool striker... and that guy in red who pushed shafiq better be careful.....

and not forgetting the girls...
taht's me and janice, fellow mp3 lovers...this was on teh train to clifton hills....i was listening to My Confessiom by Josh Groban and janice was listening to...hmm... i think it was one of her super nice korean tracks or some obscure singer that has super cool vocals...janice, u can get up so early some more... kudos to you...hehe

and janice tan who woke up really early considering she is always late and cannot even wake up for college...and lilian who has really pretty clothes always....fellow train sitters....hehe

and this is the 3 girls who always sleeeeep.....zzzz..... qiqi, shyanne and chris wong... always the sleepyheads....
even on the train also can sleeeeeep....
cannot even wake up at 8am to catch teh train....
we had to wait for them sooooo long loh....

and beng sze and tiana...another 2 who are always sleeeeeeping too.... had to wake tiana up too .... but beng sze look super alert here... coffee anyone???? i think she looks hyper huge sugar rush...
and then we came back and went to hungry jacks for tea and e and qiqi bought a value meal for joel and his crippled leg...poor guy... cannot walk somemore. if we know who kick him, we'll do twice the damage to HIS leg...(evil laugh) one messes with albert house people....hehe....
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