Monday, July 28, 2008

RIP Randy Pausch

I heard the most shocking news from Pheyyee today...
Randy Pausch of The Last Lecture fame passed away last Friday morning.
I always knew his death was inevitable
and i'm sure that he did the best he can to preserve some of himself for his kids.

But ultimately, it's so unfair a person as good as him is dead at such a young age.
and with three young kids.

Heath's death was a shock too.
but honestly, after a while, i don't care two hoots that he's dead.

But Randy on other hand, is a person that the world can benefit from.
he brings out the young kids in us with our childhood aspirations.
he tells us all about head fakes.
he was a Disney Imagineer.
he floated on zero-gravity.
he wrote a book and gave The Last Lecture for his children.

and that very book is the book that made me cry all over it, smudging the pages.
so thanks dad for introducing me that book. in that very way, Mr Pausch reminds me of you.

Rest In Peace, Mr Pausch

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

of tomyam and riots

my tummy is eternally damaged by the junk that i put it through daily.... grinding up the different types of food that i wolf down is no joke i tell you.
just ask anyone and they can tell you how many cravings i can have for just one day...
and i am currently in love with tomyam soup!!

so now my tummy has protested and raised a damn big riot. &*(@%@$!!
thus, i am home sick with the gastric-and-food-poisoning bit with the periodic flipping of the tummy.
it's crazy i tell you.

hello, bland tasteless porridge.
good bye, flavorful yummylicious tomyam. it's been great knowing you.

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