Sunday, November 26, 2006

Queen Vic Market Shopping Trip

had the bestest time in Queen Victoria Market today!! it was so much fun..

what can be THAT nice about grocery shopping?? well, for starters, you need to go to a super bustling, super happening place like Queen Vic to get the goods. and when i say goods, i do mean literally anything under the sun... yes, even clothes and sour sticks (yes, me and yi yu saw these super long sour sticks that you can chew on for ages till it melts in your mouth)....

but most of all, i love the organic section for fruits and veggies. for organic stuff, the price range is really cheap man, considering that it's the freshest and least harmful of all foods.... and not to mention ,the gourmet ready made food section that has Greek dips, German bratwrust, marinated baby octopus, exotic coffees, never-before-heard sausages and bread rolls..... it's like a foodie heaven man..... it's been a long time since i last went there and boy did i miss it!!

so my Safeway green Eco friendly shopping bag contained these when i came back:
1) 5 nectarines (they are so darn cheap...)
2) 4 peaches (again, darn cheap too)
3) 1kg of cherries (again, half the normal price and they are sooooo sweeeet *happy sigh*)
4) 2 boxes of blueberries (a good source of antioxidants)
5) 2 Don Viennese frankfurt (it looks tempting in the window display and it's cheap)
6) 1 chicken oregano long sausage (again, it looks tempting)
7) 1 slice of baked cheesecake for Janice (it's her Econs exam tomorrow so a little encouragement for her as i know she LOVES cheesecake) and it's rumored to be the best cheesecake in Melb (that's what the display said anyway)
8) a small container of baby octopus (this is for Shaleen...she can't get enough of the octopus entree we had at Stalactites that day) from the greek gourmet food section....

for me, it's just fruits, fruits and more fruits for me... yums... can't wait to start on my nectarines.....

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