Sunday, April 20, 2008

of my spanking new Lumix and hotpots

will post up the birthday pictures abit later in the week or maybe the next...
but for now, i just have to show off my spanking new Lumix and its chio-ness in taking cool pictures
bro was craving Pancake Parlour so off we went.
sleepy him at 11am in the morning... don't you just love black and white shots??here i look absolutely stumpy...the totally cool reject shop with their 10-dollars-a-pony head-on-a-stick and their novelty jars to collect money with... you have to be there to enjoy this favourite shot of the day: my wee little cousin (doesn't look very wee in this shot eh?? he's a grown up boy now and he rocks both my brother's and my worlds. i find it absolutely awesome that he's here in Melb with us and we have so much fun together. i always wanted those huge extended families with cousins getting in your way and in your business all the time. and Robin is the nicest little brother-cum-cousin that i can ever wish for.) and my brother.

the boys wanted those rice whisky to go with the korean dinner that we were having. so we ordered a small bottle and we couldn't finish it so the half-empty bottle is sitting in my fridge now.

the uber yummy mushroom hotpot and Robin in the background with his "My stomach doesn't want to eat anymore!!" complaints. only he can describe his tummy as a seperate person and get away with it.

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