Monday, April 21, 2008

of Chinese Whispers and the Olympic saga

so what else do I see on the papers today??!!
nothing but more and more Olympic cock-ups.
China is hitting back now, harder and harder.
and of course, the Paris leg of the torch relay got disrupted.

and did I mention that the Chinese are damn fed-up about negative press that they have started to call the CNN the "Crooked News Network"?
apparently, according to them, CNN is paining such a horrific picture of China that the whole collective is feeling somewhat offended.

oh, but i just have this teensy weensy little thing to point out:
They do not get CNN OR BBC on cable or paid TV.
ONLY tourists hotels get those channels.

so how do they get hold of such news then?
apparently, their Chinese relatives overseas supply them with these so-called bad press.

hmm, i wonder whether they've heard of the phrase "lost in translation"?
or that chilldplay's game of Chinese Whispers where you all sit in a circle and a message is whispered one by one and at the end, it is inevitable that the message gets distorted beyond meaning?
or maybe they could just realise that "hey, CNN and BBC are english-medium channels. so maybe, just maybe, when you translate the news into chinese, it kinda screws up the meaning ey?"?

but because of the bad press from CNN and BBC, they are protesting outside French embassies and Carrefour and KFC.
and yes, even Carrefour and KFC are other hate targets.
apparently, these corporations donated funds to pro-tibet organisations.
so this one Chinese man retaliated by setting up the websites and

I don't blame them Chinese for doing stunts like these.
what can you do when almost the whole world is against you and you are definitely not the media's darling?!

but hey, nobody is ever a media's darling.
every famous person out there has their share of bad press right?
staying tune to the latest saga in the Olympics.
it's almost like a glowing, tell-all, vivid painting of the best and worst in man.

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