Wednesday, April 02, 2008

of love at every sight and those little trills

just read this on Rach's blog.
and i so totally agree with what she just said,

**love at first sight is so easy to find.
whoever said that it was the most difficult around?
it's love at every sight which is the hardest.
have a think about it.**

and i think that this applies to family and friends, not only that special someone in your life.
families get in your businesses all the time.
friends annoy you with their questions.
and it becomes harder to remeber that you love them.
but at the end,
they love you too much to let you be alone for any second of your day.

and as for you,
you just make me laugh so hard at every sight that my heart is lighter, less worried, even does little trills (which in medical terms is quite bad for me, but who cares?)

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