Friday, March 20, 2009

of that smudge in the sky

oooh, I saw a wedding proposal in skywriting that day in Melbourne for all to see.
"Jo, marry me?"
too bad the pilot was kinda amateur-ish that he took so long to write the words that the "Jo" word was almost smudged away by winds.
by the time the question mark was drawn, it read "*smudge smudge* marry me?". lols
poor guy/girl/wedding proposer (since Jo is kinda an androgynous name and females actually do the proposing nowadays) must be thinking, "And I spent that amount of moolah for a proposal like that??!!"
and since you can't exactly make out the "Jo" word, any Tom, Dick, Harry of a boyfriend about to propose to his girl at that moment can just point to the skywriting and said, "babe, I did that for you. Marry me, *insert name of girlfriend here*?"lols.

I sure hope the guy/girl/weddinh proposer who commisioned the skywriting got his/her money back. lols.

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