Thursday, March 26, 2009

of talc and exams

we had breast exam tutorials this afternoon, complete with fake boobs with lumps in them and real, live human beings to practice on.
interesting, no?
must mark this day down.
another milestone in med career down and plenty more to go.
breast exam, check!

p.s. the fake boob with the lumps was a surprise. didn't expect the med school to pull out such a teaching aid. for one, it sure didn't feel like a real breast, it felt all rubbery and weird-feeling. and another thing was my tutor whipped out Home Brand Talcum Powder and proceeded to give the fake boobs a dusting down. so the whole breast was covered in white powder which looked way weird. and then this guy in my tutorial went oh-so-cluelessly, "so we need to put talc on the patient's breasts too?" lols.

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