Tuesday, February 26, 2008

of stethoscopes and pulseless-ness

woohoo! small things do make my day.

especially when small things mean a new nice shiny Littman Classic II stethoscope that is a deep bluish-purple.
and that cost a bomb.

Mel loves shiny toys and so does her brother who spent 10 minutes smirking about his tummy sounds.

and the newbies of med school are in! now i'm a big hulking important 2nd year meddie who absolutely knows her way around Guyton&Hall. (or thinks she has anyways.)

and boy, do the newbies look so unbelievably young! i gurantee that by the end of Sem 1, they will have dark eyecircles and walk around with a perpetual hunchback from all the huge-ass textbooks they have to lug around and less starry-eyed ambitions too.

time to wake up and smell the coffee (literally), dearies!!

oooh, and we had to practice our blood pressure taking skills today. Mel is officially pulse-less too!! or maybe just too many fatty layers to muffle the damn sounds. but i am getting there. i am determine to.

Quote of the day: "I love shopping and watching movies. Does that make me shallow?" -Frida during ICM.

2ships on the sea,
1wants to fly and soar,
1wants the sandy beaches and palm trees,
darn it.
give me a reason.

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