Thursday, September 06, 2007

of wimps and alcohol

this week's PBL is enough to put me off alcohol for the rest of my life. well, not really. but still, makes me wanna think twice about that vodka shot that i'll down the next time i club.

alcohol causes cirrhosis
alcohol causes hepatitis (bet you didn't know that)
and makes your liver go all funny shape on you and when you're dead and they do a post mortem on you and dig out your liver, it will be so shrunken like a starving minute little pathetic thing taht you wonder from up above why the heck in the first place did you drink that extra can of light beer??!!

but still the alcohol industry makes damn a lot of money from that transient high that you get from downing a bottle of Bacardi and for some, the sense of cool-ness, in-crowd-ness you get from just nonchalantly holding that said bottle in a club, all in the name of blending in.

but heck, this PBL is not going to reform me into some wheatgrass-drinking, alcohol-abstaining saint coz i'm a teenager, for goodness sake. it is not good for my mental well-being and my growing up. call it a balanced diet with the presence of small amounts of alcohol.

after all, what am i gonna drink in clubs?? wheatgrass juice?? apple juice??
i'll look like a wimp.

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