Thursday, September 06, 2007

happy 19th, jinsern!! hope u had a great time with us being the chefs and serving u food all the time and all the cute little cupcakes that *she* made... better say thank you real real nice ya??
but anyways, we all love u, hence the full-blown party that we had.
getting smoked out with BBQ sausages smell is sooo not my scent but still, it was great to hangout with the albert house girls once again, just like old times, pre-med-school-ish, which frankly, was so refreshing. you just digress back to where everything was just all about uncle andrew's dinners and midnight indo mee sessions. and trinity studies was just that, trinity studies, nothing much to moan and groan about, muss out my hair about.

but oh well, we all have to grow up, thus happy growing up, dude!! enjoy every second of it... it totally rocks ur socks when you suddenly find yourself old and grey...

p.s. it hurts when you yell like that...

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