so, 1 week of holidays did not allow any mega excursions or road trips that i am dying to have. instead, me, PJ, Kelvin and Jenna packed our overnight bags for a small wee trip to Ballarat.
PJ's signature look for the trip: pimp-ey whenever surrounded by girls
the guys with the bottle of sparkling wine we finished which had no effect on my rationale which was really surprising, given the low low low tolerance for alcohol i have.. still, a yummy drink!!the three med amigos who went a-wandering to Ballarat with 3 changes of clothings in their bags
and Kelvin woke up the next morning feeling a chill in the air despite being in his Mr Lazy jammies and decided to do some gymnastics to warm up..
Jenna and me having a girly moment together..
and the guys too have their bonding moment over games of English Bagatelle....
and they too needed their vanity moment...
and nolstalgia sets in complete with black and white photos and emo poses as the trip comes to an end and as we look down the path of uni starting again...