Thursday, May 31, 2007

of sexual crimes in America and champions...

i was having my study break cum lunch when i swiched on the TV in protest of my long hours of mugging and i happen to chance upon The Oprah Show which was one of my favourites and still is.... and Oprah was talking about child sexual crimes in America and how America seemed to be confused about sexual offenders.

and i was struck by what one of the guest said on Oprah. Bill O'Reilly claimed that once a sexual crime was committed towards a child, the criminal should be just put away for life, without parole...

somehow, i have mixed feelings about this claim. yes, the guy who did it should be given a suitable punishment, not given rehabilitation and a small fine (that was what one Vermont judge passed to a sexual crime offender who raped a 6 year old girl over the course of 4 years). and yes, it was a heinous crime. the victim was a child for goodness sake!

but on the other hand, does the guy deserve to be put away for life even when he is deemed be to remorseful and wants to start life anew??

but then again, how the heck would we know that he is really really really regretful for what he did?? how would we know that he would not prey on another kid again?

does that justify O'Reilly's claims that all sexual offenders deserve a life sentence?

and then O'Reiily also said that all fathers should look at their kids in the eyes and reassure then that no matter what happens, they will always save them, rescue them from any situation. and because of that, until the fathers arrive, they are to fight with whatever strength and courage they have and be careful of all strangers. That i fully agree with him. i read countless autobiographies about kids who have been abducted and kidnapped and sexually preyed on and how their captors kept them submissive by using psychological tactics like telling them repeatedly that their parents do not want them anymore and are not looking for them and they(the captors) are the only ones that care for them.

therefore, i think it is extremely crucial for parents to always reaffirm and reassure their kids that come what may, they will always be there for the kids and the kids should never give up hope and have courage to face anything..

for me, i always know that my parents, my dad and mum will be there anytime, anywhere everyday of my life. even though i am overseas and pretty much oceans away from them, that thought enough gives me courage to keep going. i guess, i have been conditioned and reminded since young that they love me and will always do. and i have always felt loved and wanted throughout my life.

so yes, as O'Reilly said across the TV set into my apartment, fathers should always be the "champions of their kids"....

in my case, my dad and mum are both my "champions"....

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