Sunday, May 06, 2007


this week was all about genetics and to conclude it, the lecturer invited a lady who was diagnosed with beta-thalassemia to come talk to us about her condition. it was a somber talk that a few meddies cried. i guess, being meds, we have always talk, breathe, eat even dream about diseases. we know the symptoms, we know the treatments or in certain sad cases, lack of treatments, we know about the side effects, we know about the deteriorating conditions.

but we seldom attach the whole humanity side to these illnesses.

we forget the suffering part, the hopelessness of it all, the emotions behind the disease, the human behind the diagnosis.

we forget that they have families who love them and would do anything for them.

we forget that they have friends that would miss their company and have an impact on their lives.

we forget that they are a part of communities that would suffer from the loss of them.'

we forget that they have emotions and thoughts and intelligence and personalities.

we forget that they too have souls.

and they are not mere perfect textbook examples of patients with health conditions.

*once upon a time, there lived a princess who love hugs...*

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