Monday, December 03, 2012

Rant post no. 9490193:

Every single time I pop open my Amazon Kindle website to do a little ebooks-internet-window-shopping, the top 20 popular books for the moment are freakin' romance novellas. 
70-pages novellas about a heroine with a dark past and a hero with a dark past. A chance meeting. Lots of sexual tension. Girl overcomes past. Guy overcomes past. And everyone lives happily ever after.
I fully blame stupid Fifty Shades for the stupid, stupid fad.
Because of that mindless drivel, mummy-porn is the 'in' thing now. You want a bestseller, write a trilogy of books ala Fifty Shades, play around with a variety of dark pasts, add in a couple of washboard abs and dark brooding eyes and voila. Instant. Chart. Topper.

It's just like the Twilight trilogy which I thank God that the movie franchise is finally done and dusted and its rabid fangirls can be laid to rest.
When Twilight came out, YA sections in bookstores were chock full of vampire/supernatural fiction and impressionable teen girls gobbled up all the shimmery, sullen vampires that pop media can churn out.  

And shame on me to expect to see YA books with wholesome heroines and delicious long descriptions about English moors and such. And if I come across a YA book without any romance in it, it's probably gathering dust at the bottom of the pile, banished to a land where boring books are sent to die.

Long gone are the days where unicorns fetter across pages, young girls dream and grow in 200 pages, a boy and a tiger share a raft and a life experience, and romance was about friendship and respect and sacrifice and restrained ardor and ended with delicious, soul-tingling words from the heart.

Bloody hell, I must be getting too old for this shit.

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