Tuesday, September 09, 2008

of smarminess and EQ

there's this girl in lectures that totally pisses me off day after day after day, till earth stops to turn. *roars*
i hope she continues to sit far, far away from us, together with her posse.

there are meddies who despite, scoring top percentile in their VCE, have rock-bottom EQ.
i am definitely not the most EQ of people out there. (most EQ??)
but hey, give the rest of us a break.
we paid top dollar and lotsa lotsa dollars to sit in 1-hour lectures, hoping to get our money's worth of knowledge. (ergo us internationals and our full-fee places)
but you there, with that smarmy look on your face, have some common sense.
don't crack jokes about what the lecturer was wearing.
nor do i want to hear about your clever comments about how sex can lead to more than transient global amnesia.
and i do not want to hear what you did with your girlfriend last night.

and i sure hope as hell that your friends would have the courtesy to tell you to shut up, instead of laughing along with you or keeping as meek as possible.

*lols. i feel like some righteous nerd, campaigning for quieter lectures everywhere but that girl sure as hell, pisses me off to no end... or do i sound like a righteous nerd-slash-bitch?*

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