and happy birthday to my dear Shze Yi!! that girl must be partying up a storm in the Big Apple, Stoneybrook to be exact. (there was this book series i read a long time ago called the Babysistters' Club and it was set in Stoneybrook too! how cool is that?) but back to the turning the big 20, i hope you get lots of pressies and cards and wishes and all the lovely things that you definitely deserve. missing you loads, girl! hugs.
and also, happy belated birthday to Phey Yee, my dear girl. we managed to celebrate it as best as we can, considering the exam was looming a few days after that. and i hope she had a great time. and the bouquet of flowers is like a tradition now, i decided. it shall be give to her on her birthday every year, as long as i can remember and don't go senile.
and today i saw this cartoon that our HP lecturer put in his lecture slides. he's the type that tries to be the "cool" one, the "engaging" one. i think he's just too conditioned by the subject that he teaches. and, he dims the lights in the theatre so he actually looks quite good from afar, then when you go near, you go, "omg, he is sooo not what i thought he look like...". and another pet peeve i have about him is that he again tries to fit in with the younger generation, or at least appeal to the females in his class. two weeks in a row, he has shown up for class in shirts that are unbuttoned to midway past his chest. hello??! we're not in a latin ballroom dance competition. thank goodness he didn't wear satiny shirts and tasseled shoes.
and back to the cartoon that just tickeled me to no end...

after all, it's the little things that make your life interesting, you know.
and it doesn't take a lot to make my day, just so you know.
i could wish for the world to be simpler, then we wouldn't know war and hunger and all those calamities. but it's just human nature to be better, stronger, faster. smarter than our ancestors. you can never change that. and i don't think i will change that too. not in a million years.
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