Tuesday, August 21, 2007

tenners anyone??

the freaaaaaaking internet connection at College Square totally "rocks"!!

sense the sarcasm oozing out.

ditto my lecture notes, PBL notes, journal articles, blogging, emails, everything!!
hence, i'm stuck jostling for a space at the computer cubicles in the biomed library, typing on some creaky keyboard.

anyways, today's Shaleen's big 2-0!!
happy birthday girl!!
sorry but u are officially kicked out of the tenner's club... we're pushing you over the line to the twennies' club just down the road from here. but hey, you still have the honourary membership that you once had.
heck, someone's not getting any younger eh?? lol.
but still, enjoy your birthday at Dracula's tonight alright? we'll allllll be there with bells a-ringing and fancy dresses.

anyone going gothic tonight??
the dress code says smart casual or gothic even though it was a freaking theme restaurant. went to the adelaide branch of it and it was great!! i still remembered the cabaret show they put on about sperms and ovums swimming to each other which was roaring good fun and the dessert of choc coffins.
but no way am i wearing my own version of smart casual. med school said smart casual for clinicals and i have to end up wearing collared G2000 shirts and black pants. so bo-o-o-o-oring!!
i don't have the guts to wear funky looking shirts for clinicals for fear of being kicked out.
but hey, one consolation that i am breaking the conventional standards of a respectable-looking doctor is the tattoo i have on my top of left ankle!!
bet none of the patients noticed that!! and thank goodness for that!! otherwise i doubt they would even let me feel their happy little livers!!

but i digress from my tattoo....

once again, happy sweet 2oth, shaleen!! you totally deserve the BEST birthday!!

XOXO Mel who is still in the tenners' club till next Spril which she totally dreads

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