Tuesday, February 27, 2007

2nd day of class

i'm still amazed by the fact that my timetable has really huge empty blocks without lectures or tutorials. one would think that i'll be busy as hell... but i think they want us to do more self study instead of just swallowing everything that give you... it's all our own hard work i guess....

anyways, had my first health practice lecture today. it was all about communication and listening skills. without decent communication skills, doctors are screwed. and we have to be mind readers, tone readers, facial expression readers, vocab readers. basically, the moment a patient walks into the room, we are already diagnosing, analysing his or her life already. as if cramming thousands of medical jargon in our heads are not enough, let's add questioning skills, listening skills, prompting skills and mind reading.

but hey, that's one of the reason why i chose to be a doctor.

it's hard not to think about it,
and it's harder even not to look,
but you can't help but steal glances,
it's that addictive.

it's that fulfilling.

it's that intriguing.

it's that painful.

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