and just that day, they reminded me again how much i miss and love them...
*insert mushy music here*
i had a blast as usual and it ole good clean fun...LOL
i met david and nee and john for lunch at Kimgary's at CS and after annoying the "androgynous" waiter with our orders, we yaklked it up and then took a lot of pics... and i took the ooprtunity to grill xin nee about her "boy boy" and then the guys (surprisingly!!) make a case for feminism and guys buying undies for their girlfriends. you have to be there to appreciate the debate... *smirks*
then we met up with aichen, juli and yiyu adn again, had an extra loud gab session. it was hilarious seeing how ai chen and juli evaded john's prying handphone-cum-video recorder for the day...aww, girls give him just one smile for the camera mah...
anyways, after having yoghurt (it was super yums!! and my fave stall) and glueing our butts to teh chairs for one hour and just gossiping up a storm, we adjourned to this Korean restaurant by Stulang Laut (somehow, we always managed to end up in a Korean restaurant for meals every time we go out. I think it's due to ju li and treacia's manic korean craze...) and the place was niiiiice......

bi bim bop... i think it's spelt this way... it's like mixed rice with egg, veggies and meat...uber yummy!!

the korean grill that we had....swoon....

with friends like these, there's nothing else you need....
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