Saturday, September 30, 2006
daily grinds...
with a sense of nolstalgia (complete with blue font man).....
well, its IS the last term of TCFS and i would really really really MISS all the tutors and lectureres and my friends and not to mention, teh stupid long walk to royal parade that always kills my legs....
and also the maths lecture where Bell my maths lecturer would emit strange noises at intervals with his "cool maths show" and his Star Wars language....
all there is to it is...
nome carpe diem....
Friday, September 29, 2006
term 4 cometh....
and my hand hurts like hell!!! sobz... from pulling mu super heavy Elle luggage.. i swear it was like *pull, drag, huff, puff, squeak* argh.... and i have just like moved it a few steps....and at the luggage carousel it took so darn long for my luggage to come down the roller thingy and there i was panicking at LOSING it and i came out like super early and tried to stand next to big burly guys so that i can ask them to get my luggage out of the carousel thingy if it was too heavy for me to do...hehe....i know, pretty sneaky....but hey, i got it down all on my own... wait a moment please.. *proud moment*.... sigh....
and the taxi queues were HORRENDOUS!! seriously, it was like office hour or something like that and apparently all the businessman (and women, itz the 21st century for goodness sake) were coming back from their domestic business flights.... and they looked so polished and chic in their all balck outfit, complete with steel metal case and matching serious expressions and in some cases, matching bald spots on their heads...hehe... from worrying abput the stock market too much i guess.... next time, i'm not coming back in the evening...will choose the super early ones or the midnight ones....
well, it was great to see everyone back again... yep, and i saw qiqi first and she was still as sweeet as ever except maybe thinner liao... *green eye monster descends in my shoulder now* so not fair lah... then saw shyanne and her newly bought jay chou cd...ey, qi, his new cd is nice lah and is so "mel" right?? and then i saw chris teo!! still as cool as ever lah....with her new abercombie and fitch tee and straight cut men's jeans...hehe....and we chatted about euthanasia (thatz mercy killing in laymen's terms)...i know, pretty heavy topic for a first day back at albert house right??? hehe....
oh well, term 4 cometh....
Thursday, September 14, 2006
one silver lining coming right up...
i'm back for my bro's drama... the merchant of venice!!!
yes, it is a shakespearean play and one that i'm not THAT familiar with... so yea, it'll be great fun i think...
and my bro better thank me for coming back to m'sia to see his drama man....
and that is a good excuse to come back, i must say....
and i'm doing some face painting stuff for his friend who acts as the devil in the drama.... yaay.. more art for me!!!hee
it's not all that dark and gloomy, my homecoming....
term 3 ends...
except this time...
it's not ALL about meeting friends, shopping, eating etc...
the good stuff....
but can u believe that i'm actually back to study??!!
YESH, u heard / read right....
have brought back tonnes (and i do mean tonnes... my chem and bio reference book weighs like 5kg each.. and i kidd u not man!!!) of books and notes and stuff...
term 4 is starting soon and out of the ten weeks:
5 is for lectures and tutorials
1 is for our drama group devised performances
1 is for examinations (or is it two??? i can't remember)
1 is for valecdictory
1 is for....urm.... hold on a sec... i have NO IDEA what the rest are for....
anyway, the conclusion is:
Friday, September 01, 2006
names, names and more names....
back to the past... i'm so not living in the 1920s if my name is the below i tell u.... geez... it's so hideous sounding.. like a plague or something.. why can't it be something like Madeline Woogemeyer??!!
Your 1920's Name is: |
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geez... this is creepy lah... how can i be blind and write poetry?? i always thought poets are supposed to have sensitive senses... but blind?? geez.... and died in childbirth?? helloe??!! and saudi arabia?? i think that's why my skin is so tanned IN THIS LIFE lah....
In a Past Life... |
![]() Where You Lived: Saudi Arabia. How You Died: In Childbirth. |
okie, now i'm a vampire... this is cool.... except i was hoping for some seductive name like Evangeline Clanchy the Red...
Your Vampire Name Is... |
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always did love the x men and batman... yes, i'm a superhero comics fan... i love animated stuff so of course i HAD to take this test... except my name sounds so stupid and retarded... i might as well be called the Golden Ass after Apuleius which reminds me of my 1st HOI essay....hehe
Your Superhero Profile |
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hey, finally a name that sounds cool!! and a comet chaser for that matter... not bad at all.. i'm sooo looking forward to the future man.... maybe i can name my child my future name.... it's so cool... calling people "vooooooovvvv....."
If You Were Born in 2893... |
![]() And You Would Be: A Comet Chaser |
yesh, even a pirate name... and this is one sounds quite cool....
Your Pirate Name Is... |
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wow, now i have so many names for aliases... cooool.....
p.s. rui xi, u have to check this out okie?? hehe....
a tribute to drama rama...
yes, it was so darn nerve wrecking but still, when i got up there and did my scary monster of a mother thing, nothing else really mattered and the audience was great and they being there gave me a boost of confidence... yea, the bigger the audience, the scarier it is but hey... i work in mysterious ways man!! hehe....
and have to say a big thank you to my team mates man!! THEY WERE AWESOME!! we didn't miss one word and everything went like clockwork i tell u... and they were even more gret than usual.. more enthu and more serious... and we didn't laugh the whole time AT ALL... hehe, thanks to sujana and his "better be serious arh.. last time already..." he always did grill that into our brains man.... coz everytime during practice, we ALWAYS crack up... but this time, when the audience DID laugh, we didn't... hehe... so thanks sujana....
yes, this is suj aka thomas, my eldest son in the drama and his ultra scary mum, ME!! love u loads, son.... don't worry, will fully support you if you go into photography.... heehee... wil be ur number one FAN!!
and not forgetting my supportive husband, nicholas!! no, nick, i'm not gonna get a divorce from you... but you have to work harder like mr phillips okie?? i want a bigger house and a bigger dining table lah!! thanks so much for being stage manager and everything... for organising stuff, buying the props and stuff...
yes, that's my plumber husband there.. that's our happily-ever-after portrait in the drama... what we wore for our drama... so its our pre drama pose...
but nick is MUCH MUCH cooler than that.. so of course, i will include the post drama pose too... when we changed out of our malu-fying costumes... btw nick is extremely self conscious... even before we took this shot, he had to look into a glass to see whether his reflection was alright and that one drama practice, he came skulking in and wailed that he ahd a bad hair day. and me and rui xi looked and looked and looked and pronounced him still as shuai as ever but NOOOOO.... he INSISTED that he had a BAD HAIR DAY!!! geez... such luck to marry a man like him..hehe
yes, that's nick at his coolest. all black and hair wax....
and not forgetting nell who is my youngest cutest son who loves football... but in real life, nell doesn't play sports at all so sujana had to coach him like for soooo long to get his part right... poor sujana and poor nell... but i must say that he's great coz he made the audience laughed like mad with his footballer impersonation and nell had to endure the pain of getting carpet burn on his healing knee... poor guy... nvm.. the huge plaster that i give you will help..heh... thanks for everything and for the brilliant ideas that you gave.... it was great to work with u...
and of course, not forgetting RUI XI!!! the grandmother of the family who wants to get control over the family... she's so sweeet and cute but she managed to do this grandmother who is quite the conniving lady and manipulates her way through.... thanks for everything girl!!! we all love u loads, especially your son...hehe... i think nick prefers you to me loh... darn it...hehe...
that's rui xi with her white ah-ma hair.... doesn't she look grandmotherly??
and to tze meng: hugsie!! thanks for the music and stuff.. you did great and right on time too... and you were hot on the dance floor too with your moves and groove.... especially the last part... walau eh!! so shocking man!!hee....
yep, that's him and his super cute mini tie, looking darn glam and me at most mature look... skirt and ruffles for the mother....
and here's the rest of the pictures of the other groups... i'm so lucky to have a drama class that is really sporting and the people are so funny and stuff... real easy to work with them...
yes, that's my whole family... a happy portrait....
that's the whole gang here with our drama stage... stephan has like one gold hoops in each ear, very pirate-ish.... tze meng said that he looks very actor-ish....hehe... go get your own gold hoops then, tze....
nick, tze and me...
me and chandra... i think the baby is yours chandra... he really does have YOUR eyes.. and i think that you fight better than your rival...hehe... very nice guy...
the whole gang in acting mode with stephan... our mentor.... he gave lotsa ideas...
oh, that's the first group... "the yakuza vs the mafia: the battle" with all the gun scenes complete with dancing choreography too.... yi sheng, tze, bryan, stephan, rachel and michele....

me and rachel, the japenese yakuza head... hehe... she's darn funny... very bimbotic poses i know
but they are even more bimbotic than me and rachel right?? yourselves guys somemore... and the two pairs of legs in teh background belong to din's and his mysterious girl.... hehe....

yes, "whose baby is it anyway?" tiok nee (super scandalous martial arts warrior), me and li sher (One of the bad guys in the 3rd performance "whose baby is it anyway?") and not forgetting tiok nee's baby ak doggie... hehe.... the girls are really funny in their drama.... complete with killer moves, great soundtrack and balck heavy eyeliner...

yeap, that's the evil bad guy in the 3rd piece, din; tze and me.... yes, din is ALL READY to strangle tze in his super nice black tank top... tze, you cannot compare to him man... look, he's so buff... and you have a long way to go man....though i must say the super cute mini leather tie is niiiiceeee......

yes, now, tze is admitting defeat to din.... hehe... guys will always be guys...

well, all in all, it was a great day.. everyone said we rock the house... and every one did their best... and so ends term 3.... we all had a great time man....
sigh... drama DOES rock....
and so does my drama class...