Thursday, June 15, 2006



I'm getting back drama results tomorrow....


I LUV DRAMA but the suspense is killing me man.....

but i had a great time doing my monologue. it was like for once, am free to be another person. it was like letting go of my worries and inhibitions, letting go everything... it was totally awesome and my drama teacher rocks not to mention my drama class. my drama friends have all different characters and they are all the spontaneous combustible sort.... the kind that lights up and just fizzes for hours without stopping. man, u need lotsa energy to keep up with them.

now, am off to do my literature....i think i have more or less decided on the question already so now it's onwards to find more information or rather manipulate my way through the book and crap my way through exams. what the heck, if i can do SPM, this should be a breeze....


fingers crossed for luck....

no, fingers AND toes crossed....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well i got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you...hope u get what u want!!!

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