Monday, May 03, 2010

there is a plate of gooey, fudgy, honest-to-sinful-goodness choc brownies in my fridge.
ahhh, the little gastronomical pleasures of life, thank you.
and I've yet to offered anyone my little slices coz the nearest test subject is a baking goddess. and us mere mortals dare not offer up any baking goodies, because... well, her nickname reveals all.

and i dragged my brownie-fattened butt out of bed today at an ungodly hour this morning to get to a 7am fitness class.
so feeling totally virtuous today because of that, i got a yummy mocha, coz I figured after an hour of grunting and sweating and a bowl of muesli later, I deserved something special.
then I realized mocha is coffee + full-cream-milk + chocolate + sugar. and I proceeded to slurp everything down without giving a second thought. lols.

and I took my little S out for the 1st time today.
and if I do say so myself, man, did I feel like a rock chick (-wannabe perhaps? lols) with my leather jacket and the little S and Tokio Hotel playing!
all I was missing was kohl-lined eyes, black nail polish, killer boots and a smirk.
I went through the rock phase when I was in secondary school aka teenage rebellion era. and all I listened to was Linkin Park, The Police, Metallica, U2 etc. ooh and Aerosmith!
I think the older you get, the mellower your music tastes become, coz you just can't keep up with the manic beats anymore!
but BonJovi and The Eagles still rock my socks.
I'm not that old yet.

1 comment:

Phey Yee said...

i want that gooey chocolate brownie!

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