Monday, April 12, 2010

of Sydney and today

I'm loyal to Melb like that.
It was one non-stop eating, sightseeing trip to Sydney with the girls. Shall summarise it in those words post coz I'm lazy like that.

Aching feet pounding the pavement.
3 girls in an apartment = nonstop slumber party.
Sydney sunshine.
Fresh sashimi.
Bondi love but none of the hunky eyecandy.
Crazy Supre purchases.
Afro Funk.
Paddington that reminded me of the bear.
Living in the 2nd hand bookshop slash cafe.
Hurricane ribs.
Fried Mars bar.
Fresh fresh fresh pasta.
German mango beer.
King Lear.

and I'm one heck of map-reader/navigator, thank you very much.
Take that, you who says that I'm directionally-challenged!
I only got us lost ONCE throughout 3 and a half days. So there.
And the other time didn't count, coz we were on the right street. I just got the numbers mixed-up.

and I know that I cut the strings already. But it still stings when you parade for all to see. Whoop de do.
I have a mind to go do one of those witchy dancing chanting bonfire things to rid myself of the presence because it happens to be
that day. lols.

and Sandra, it also happens to be the 3rd month since you've been gone. Your grandmother must be with you there, huh? So you probably won't be that lonely. I've been good these few months, trundling along with my theses and I'm going to turn 22 in a few days. And this time, my birthday will feel different, what with you gone and all that happened. But, I hope and I know you'll be there with me. I still miss you but it's been easier to breathe now whenever something reminds me of you and I was able to walk along normally that day when I saw someone that looked like you in Sydney. My heart skipped a beat for an instant but I forced myself to look down at my map and just occupied myself with navigation. And I kept telling myself, that it was merely one of those mirages. And a few seconds later, I looked up and we neared the girl and she was clearly not you. You were much more effervescent and bubbly.

Even though we weren't best friends and we didn't talked all the time, I hope you know how much you mean to me and how indelible your presence in my life was and still is.
It's getting better with time, Sandra. The moment it doesn't is when I'll throw up a light and wait for someone. I promise.

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