Saturday, December 27, 2008

of the darn Chinese stereotype

apparently I look like a mixed breed aka not Chinese-ey.

must be my maggi-mee hair, my tanned skin and my not-Chinese-looking eyes.
darn societal stereotypes of Chinese girls having straight hair, sepet eyes and fair skin.

I totally get slightly huffy whenever someone goes in Chinese, "ey, xiao jie, you speak Chinese arh? why you don't look Chinese at all one? I thought you are a Malay or Indian or mixed leh!"

then in a bid to get back, I go in the most phoenetically-accurate tone possible for little old Chinese me, "I really really am a Chinese and I speak Chinese. My grandparents come from China."
then they always do the doubtful once-over look. then the nice patients apologise and begin speaking to me in rapid -fire Chinese.

lols. totally cracks me up.

on another Chinese-ey note, Donnie Yen kicks butt in Ip Man, the mos t awesomest martial arts flick this year. I've always had a thing for martial arts flicks eg Hero, Fearless etc the works. and Ip Man totally lives it up for me.

and btw, the non-Chinese-looking syndrome runs in the family. lols. lucky me.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

of shock therapy and cross breeds

sometimes, all you need is a little bit of shock therapy to bring your head down from the clouds.
you need that little brief scene of tears to illustrate that the world is not all rose-coloured.
because for all the starry-eyed hopes and ambitions you have for your life, sometimes, they don't quite cut it.

I always knew that when I signed for this, it will be for the long haul.
essentially no turning back.
no kicking or screaming or whining about how the world is so frigging unfair.
I had all these rose-coloured dreams that were slowly being torn apart.
and I was glad for those little reality checks along the way.
nobody could survive on dreams made of air and bits of fluff.
it's not all games and fun in the sun.

and today just proved that I needed a little shock therapy to bring me back down to earth.
and I'm glad for it.
i just hope that in time, those little reality checks will mold my fluff-and-airy dreams into some concrete, do-able, achievable threshold between my high ambitions and reality.
because I know, I for one, can never survive completely on reality.
I still need that little bit of fluff in my life.
so fingers crossed, this reality check can mold fluff and air, and not crumble what little concrete i have left.

** on a happier note, I have maggi-mee hair!! and patients think I am a cross breed!! lols. much thanks to my dear beloved Pri6 Chinese teacher who helped me to prove those old uncles and aunties wrong. lols **

** on a bitchier, smarter-than-thou note, I'm boycotting Twilight. Just because I want to. and because Robert Pattinson makes a sucky Edward Cullen. and because I dislike movie adaptations of books (yes, incl the HP and LOTR saga, and I'm a book-ie through and through, and I like my fantasy imaginative world untouched, thank you very much). and because Twilight is a wee bit overhyped. and because after repeated readings I find it lacking in taste and depth. So, shoot me. lols. **

Thursday, December 04, 2008

hello, you.
I'm going home tomorrow afternoon! *yay*
thank goodness everything fell into place this week.
it's as if it's making up for the missed AMS opportunity at the much-coveted Paeds unit.

exams went pretty good.
my new apartment is pretty with polished wooden floors and a huge lounge.
my stuff will be sitting in my new apartment tomorrow morning.
I am thoroughly packed.
so, it's all good.

now I just want to go home and see my dad, my dogs, my girls and my beloved meepok.

Monday, December 01, 2008

of the art house and hardcovers

I had another of my Nova all-day-movie-marathon.
utter bliss.
art house flicks totally float my boat.

1st up was the Hebrew-Arabic film about lemon trees, the Israeli defence minister and a Palestinian woman. total heart-breaker film.

then it was the French flick about the grocer's son and the sunny countryside of France. it was oh-so-breezy and such a fun film. I miss films like that. it made you want to wear your childhood gingham pinafore, run barefoot among long grass and then plop down and gulp down some cool lemonade. it was really that breezy.

and the last one was an absolute humourous documentary about American teens in their little cliques on their Senior year.
that was really quite one of the best films I have seen in along time.
But I have to say that the documentary really made fools out of the American teenage generation and that of their respective parents.
It made me feel that my high school life was a heck lot better than that of the American dream.

and then I made the most amazing discovery at the Borders discount store!
I found the prettiest version of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens... it was in a gorgeous purple and white chequered pattern in mini hard cover version.
I totally stopped and stared for a few moments.
and then I bought it.
in the amount of 4 Aussie dollars!
what a find!
totally made my day.

and it's totally going into my permenant collection that will one day, be my family heirloom.

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